Pipe Series, Extrusion Vase 2 , reused parisian clay



This piece is part of the pipe vase series, a range of products made from clay extracted from building sites in the greater Paris area. The clay is filtered, refined, put to dry, and then extruded with a self-fabricated machine. The shapes and compositions of these pieces are drawn from urban and architectural details of the clay deposits their material is extracted, such as chimney pipes and clay tiles. The brick-orange color of these vases introduce a subtle architectural dimension to domestic settings. These pieces are produced through a semi-industrial process, and are subject to very subtle variations and changes in colour and aspect, which gives them a one-off quality. Dimensions (W x L x H) -10 x20 x 34 cm -3.94 x 7.88 x 13.39 in
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Clay Terracotta Recycling Vase Sculptural Piece
Salvaged earthenware harvested on building sites in Paris