


A beautiful, minimalist, hand-crafted chair that enables users to instantly switch between work mode and relaxation mode. Motsats is a design-driven furniture allowing you to transform your space everyday as many times as you want. You are able to adapt your workspace according to your needs and work in an agile way. The chair, designed by Snehan Chakravarthi, is inspired by IKEA with a soft touch of Scandinavian design tradition in details. His mission was to create a Scandinavian feeling for the product, with a little bit of kitsch. The comfortable, convenient and transforming chair has two modes: A chair with a built-in desk for an upright sitting posture that prompts for an agile and sharp mindset. ​A recliner for instant relaxing siestas that allows you to handle any stressful situation with equanimity and encourages presence of mind.
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Furniture, Transforming
Wood, Metal